Integration and Testing
Delivering Mission-Ready Spacecraft through Expert Integration, Testing, and Mechanical Engineering
Proper integration and testing (I&T) of spacecraft and spaceflight instruments are critical to the success of a mission. The requirements vary from project to project, but mechanical engineers have played a major role in the I&T process for many missions at the Goddard Space Flight Center, including the Hubble Space Telescope servicing missions, the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE), the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM), the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM), the Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, Ocean Ecosystem (PACE), and the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (RST).
Engineers have managed the mechanical integration of these and other projects, including assembling structures, installing flight components, and building unique integration hardware, environmental test structures, and specialized shipping containers.
Once the spacecraft or instrument is ready for shipment to the launch site, engineers assist with its transportation by installing it in the shipping container and monitoring critical environmental conditions during transit. The Mechanical Systems Division possesses the expertise necessary to build, test, and deliver a successful spacecraft or spaceflight instrument.
Integration and Testing is managed by ETD’s Mechanical Systems Division (Code 540). Contact ETD for more information.