ETD Facilities Listing
Collaborative Expertise and Unique Facilities to Engineer the Future
ETD facilities are equipped with unique technical spaces that enable the development of innovative science and technology. Exploring uncharted territory, our engineering teams work across various disciplines to ensure mission success.
Spacecraft Magnetic Test Facility
The Spacecraft Magnetic Test Facility is one of three unique facilities in the world and is the only operational facility in the Western Hemisphere. This facility is located at Area 300 which is located off GSFC main campus, where it provides magnetically quiet and stable facilities…
Space Laser Assembly Cleanroom (SLAC)
The Space Laser Assembly Cleanroom (SLAC) offers a world class cleanroom facility for developing, building, and environmentally testing lasers and electro-optics for space flight and other science applications. The just over 1500 sq ft clean room features…
Radiation Effects Facility
The Radiation Effects Facility (REF) maintains and operates radiation sources and particle accelerators to support flight project radiation assurance, diverse scientific users, and technology development and maturation programs within Goddard, across NASA, and in partnership with external stakeholders…
Detector Development Lab (DDL)
The DDL is a microelectronics fabrication facility dedicated to the development of advanced detectors, micro-electrical-mechanical-systems (MEMS), nano-scale devices, circuits, and components for NASA’s missions. The laboratory is built around a 4,800 square foot, ISO 5…
Detector Characterization Lab (DCL)
The DCL is a flight qualified facility for complete optical and electrical characterization from individual detectors to large format focal plane arrays operating from the UV and Visible to the far-IR spectrum and from sub-Kelvin to ambient…
Quantum Engineering and Sensing Technology Laboratory (QuEST)
Goddard’s QuEST Lab provides unique testbeds and world-class experimental facilities to perform research and development and technology maturation of atomic sensors and laser subsystems for space science. Goddard has established a laboratory facility to enable…
Cryogenic, High-Accuracy Refraction Measuring System (CHARMS)
CHARMS uses the method of minimum deviation refractometry to measure the index of refraction of transmissive materials in vacuum from ultraviolet to infrared wavelengths from ambient to cryogenic temperatures. Originally developed to support instrument design for the…
Cryogenic Research Integration and Test Facility (CRIF)
The Cryogenic Research Integration and Test Facility is a 4,200 square foot test facility located in Goddard’s Integration and Test (I&T) facility. Originally designed for handling of moderate volume (i.e., upwards of 600 liters) liquid phase…
The Low-Cost Optical Terminal (LCOT) Facility
The Low-Cost Optical Terminal (LCOT) Facility at Goddard Space Flight Center is a flexibly-configured, multi-mission prototype ground terminal that allows testing of new optical communication technologies and includes on-site weather…
Microwave Assembly and Test Lab
The Microwave Assembly and Test Lab provides equipment and space necessary for NASA engineers to build world class radiometers and radars for studying the earth and our solar system. The lab has facilities for wire-bonding and pull testing…
Variable Gravity Natural Convection Test Facility
The Variable Gravity Natural Convection Test facility was originally designed to support the Dragonfly Mass spectrometer (DraMS) in their effort to experimentally characterize natural convection coefficient values on Titan. The facility enables the replication…
Goddard Laser for Absolute Measurement of Radiance (GLAMR) Facility
Goddard Laser for Absolute Measurement of Radiance (GLAMR) is a unique spectral and radiometric calibration facility at GSFC for calibration of hyperspectral instruments in Earth…
Thermophysical Properties Test Lab
The Code 552 Thermophysical Properties Lab Test facility provides Thermal Conductivity, Effective Emissivity and CTE (Coefficient of Thermal Expansion) measurements on test articles in between the temperatures of 4K and 300K…
Goddard’s ElectroMagnetic Anechoic Chamber (GEMAC)
GEMAC (Goddard’s ElectroMagnetic Anechoic Chamber) is a world-class testing facility that has supported flight antenna testing since the 1970s. It plays a critical role in evaluating antenna performance…
Acoustic Test Facility
The Acoustic Test Facility at the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) is designed to subject a wide range of scientific satellites, subsystems, and spaceflight components to the intense acoustic loads experienced during launch. The facility includes a reverberant chamber, acoustic horns, noise generators…
Spacecraft Systems Development and Integration Facility (SSDIF)
The Spacecraft Systems Development and Integration Facility (SSDIF), established in 1989, is the largest ISO 7 cleanroom in the United States, spanning 1.3 million cubic feet. Originally designed to accommodate…