Open Source Software

Software Products
The Engineering and Technology Directorate’s (ETD) Software Engineering teams provide software products, services and expertise to ensure the success of NASA missions and NASA partners. Products, services and expertise include flight, ground and science data systems and technologies, mission environments, software engineering, software systems engineering, mission operations and mission validation. The team focuses on the development of reusable flight and ground architectures and frameworks to reduce mission cost, decrease development time, minimize customer risk, and increase the scientific value of information products.
Some of the software products developed include open-source products such as Core Flight Software (cFS), mission support applications and architecture, and on-demand data processing.
cFS Bundle
It is a platform-independent, reusable software framework designed for embedded real-time systems. It enables reuse, rapid development, and portability through its a dynamic run-time environment, layered architecture, and component-based design. Its three main components, the platform support package, operating system abstraction layer, and the core flight executive, give system designers the tools and flexibility they need to implement a robust FSW that has powered 40+ small scale to JWST class NASA missions.
Goddard Mission Services Evolution Center (GMSEC) Core:
The GMSEC API is a software interface to a ground system middleware messaging bus and enforces the use of standard defined messages; the middleware, which is not a part of GMSEC API, is responsible for message routing and delivery. The GMSEC API adheres to the Command and Control Message Specification (C2MS) standard controlled by the international standards organization Object Management Group (OMG). This allows an application to only send and receive valid C2MS messages, thus enabling plug-and-play. Using standard messages allows a ground system application developer to achieve the goal of application interchangeability, where an application can be replaced without affecting other applications that use the GMSEC API.
The GMSEC API standardizes the interface to the middleware for an application. The API supports multiple middleware, hardware platforms, and programming languages. The GMSEC API abstracts the interface to the middleware, ensuring similar behavior from a large selection of Commercial-Off-the-Shelf (COTS) middleware. The GMSEC API normalizes common middleware behavior and provides access to the standard middleware messaging capabilities including publish/subscribe, and request/reply. Applications using the GMSEC API can switch among various middleware products without changing code.
Goddard Mission Services Evolution Center – NASA
SlideRule is an open source framework for on-demand processing of science data in the cloud. The SlideRule project offers a new paradigm for NASA archival data management – rapid delivery of customizable on-demand data products able to target a wide range of science applications by using processing parameters supplied at the time of the request. SlideRule runs in AWS and can be accessed by any http client (e.g. cURL). Python and Node.js clients are also provided.
SlideRule Website
SlideRule on Github
An interactive, web-based tool for browsing, comparing, animating, and downloading over 1000 satellite data products.
Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS)
Fast, open access to the visualized data products found in Worldview via standards-based web services.
GIBS on GitHub
Worldview on Github
Open Source Software is managed by ETD’s Software Engineering Division (SED). Contact SED for more information.