Requirements Management Services

Fundamental Project Lifecycle Processes
Requirements Management (RM) is the fundamental process of identifying, documenting, analyzing, tracing and managing stakeholder needs and expectations throughout the entire project lifecycle at NASA.
Operating within the Mission Engineering & System Analysis Division (MESA), The Requirements Management Team (RMT) specializes in providing comprehensive RM solutions for NASA projects. Personnel manage centralized infrastructure and offer expert consultation to facilitate effective RM practices across NASA centers.
Facilities and Infrastructure
Team members maintain a centralized Dynamic Object-Oriented Requirements System (DOORS) infrastructure supporting multiple NASA centers, including Goddard Space Flight Center and Ames Research Center (ARC). This shared environment enables projects to leverage existing resources without needing to establish individual servers or purchase separate licenses. Projects benefit from full back-end system support while contributing to a cost-effective annual maintenance model.
Core Capabilities
The team primarily provides access and service for the following tools:
- Requirements documentation and management
- Change tracking and version control
- Requirements traceability
- Verification management
- Multi-user collaboration environment
IBM Engineering Publish (PUB)
- Automated documentation generation
- Customizable export formats
- Configuration management integration
- Specialized reporting capabilities
MESA’s RM engineering specialists provide over 100 years of collective DOORS experience, including extensive DXL (DOORS eXtension Language) scripting and functions to further extend the capabilities and support of the DOORS tool. The team offers expertise ranging from basic user assistance to advanced consulting services, providing metrics, project reports, ad-hoc reports and ease of tool use. Personnel actively support projects by creating specialized databases, establishing robust requirement management processes, and implementing effective change management and verification procedures.
Emerging Technologies
To meet evolving project needs, personnel actively explore and maintain expertise in:
- Jama Connect implementation
- Integration with MBSE (Model-Based Systems Engineering) tools, such as MagicDraw/Cameo
- Modern requirements management approaches
Support Options
The team offers flexible staffing solutions to fulfill project needs:
- Part-time or full-time support
- Short-term or long-term engagement
- Basic user assistance through advanced consulting
- Custom database development
- Process implementation support
Frances Cheney
Requirements Management Team Leader
Requirements Management Services is managed by ETD’s Mission Engineering & System Analysis Division (MESA). Contact MESA for more information.