Thermal Engineering

Advancing Spacecraft Thermal Solutions: ETD’s Thermal Engineering Team Drives Innovation from Design to On-Orbit Testing
Thermal Engineering provides the technology and support needed to meet the thermal requirements of spacecraft and instruments, from conceptual design to mission end-of-life. This includes developing and integrating thermal control systems for spacecraft and instruments, verifying the designs through analysis and environmental testing, conducting research and development programs directed toward advancing the state-of-the-art in spacecraft thermal control technology, and conducting laboratory and in-orbit test programs to demonstrate the viability of these technologies in their intended applications. We provide technical oversight, evaluation, and consultation to flight projects, instrument developers, design review teams, anomaly review boards, technical evaluation panels, and source evaluation boards.

ETD’s Thermal Engineering team partners with other ETD Divisions, GSFC Directorates, other NASA Centers, universities, and industry in collaborative spaceflight projects. The team is also available for consultation and technical support. They have extensive knowledge and experience with complex thermal control systems and are uniquely equipped with state-of-the-art technology for thermal testing. ETD Thermal Engineers currently partners with University of Dayton and Brigham Young University through the University SmallSat Technology Partnership. As part of this partnership, they provide testing support as well as thermal expertise for a highly conductive deployable radiator technology. Additionally, as part of a partnership with Rice University through the Early Career Faculty, they provide mentorship for Ph.D. students.
Thermal Engineering is managed by ETD’s Mechanical Systems Division (MSD). Contact MSD for more information.