Thin Films Coating Laboratory

Specialized Optical Coatings for High-Performance Space Missions and Scientific Research
The coating facility provides custom solutions to optical thin film design and deposition process tasks to meet the most challenging spectral efficiency and environmental requirements. The coatings group provides expertise in extreme ultraviolet, far-ultraviolet, and visible to infrared coatings. The group supports a plethora of projects both internal to NASA and external entities from astrophysics, exoplanet sciences, heliophysics, planetary physics, earth sciences, and lidar instruments.
This facility and others at Goddard are used to apply thin, optical films to mirrors and other substrates for high reflectivity performance in the far-ultraviolet and at other wavelengths, for application to both flight optics and research programs for future broadband missions.
The Thin Films Coating Laboratory is managed by ETD’s Instrument Systems and Technology Division (ISTD). Contact ISTD for more information.