ETD Mission Engineering & System Analysis Division
MESA | Code 590
Coordinating Science That Leads to Discovery
MESA is composed of many branches all working in conjunction with one another in the proposal, development, and design of missions across Goddard to advance and benefit the scientific community at large.
Attitude Control Systems Engineering Branch (591)
The Attitude Control Systems Engineering Branch (ACSEB) is the source of attitude control system expertise for NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. The Branch provides analysis, design, and leadership in the integration of hardware and software disciplines into flightworthy GN&C systems. It also creates and maintains state-of-the-art analysis tools for attitude control systems, attitude determination, and sensor modeling/calibration. Additionally, the Branch assesses by analysis and simulations the stability, robustness, and performance of attitude control systems for spacecraft systems.
Contact Code 591 Key Personnel
Instrument/Payload Systems Engineering Branch (592)
The Instrument/Payload Systems Engineering Branch provides technical leadership for the full life cycle of instruments and payloads development from advanced concepts through implementation. This includes responsibility for advanced design and proposal development including development of innovative new measurement concepts and techniques, preliminary and detailed design and analysis, integration and testing, and support to Operations. The Branch collaborates with internal and external customers to provide appropriate instrument-enabling activities that are responsive to Goddard’s strategic initiatives. The Branch conceives, plans, implements, and conducts technology programs in order to meet current and future Space and Earth mission needs. This includes teaming with scientists and technologists in all stages of development, from Pre-Phase A research in next generation payloads and instruments to support flight programs.
Contact Code 592 Key Personnel
Navigation and Mission Design Branch (595)
Navigation and Mission Design Branch (NMDB) is a world-recognized leader in innovative spacecraft flight dynamics including orbit analysis, orbit determination, trajectory design & optimization, maneuver planning & control, constellation design, formation flying, and mission analysis. 595’s specialization in these mathematical and physical principles alongside vast flight operations experience enables missions to reach and maintain an orbit that meets their science goals. Combined with an in-depth knowledge of network capability and the creation and maintenance of state-of-the-art analysis tools, our team offers expertise for a multitude of operations concepts, trajectory designs, and maneuver planning strategies covering all mission phases from concept formulation through end-of-life. Our deep understanding of orbital physics enables NASA’s premier sciences: Astrophysics, Earth Science Heliophysics, and Planetary Science.
Contact Code 595 Key Personnel
Components and Hardware Systems Branch (596)
The Components and Hardware Systems Branch is responsible for the development of advanced GN&C component technologies that enable current and future GN&C systems. Specifically, it leads the development of new guidance, navigation and control system sensors, actuators, propulsive devices and their interfaces to support space vehicle and instrument design and development. These activities include conducting market surveys, making sensors and/or actuator build or buy recommendations, procuring or designing and building sensors and/or actuators along with providing their associated GSE. The Branch provides, maintains, and manages the component test facilities for both conventional and advanced components to validate their performance while also providing and maintaining an inventory of components. The Branch is chartered with conceiving, analyzing, designing, building, and testing GN&C unique electronics and hybrid dynamic simulators, and supporting integration, test, and validation of these.
Contact Code 596 Key Personnel
Propulsion Branch (597)
The Propulsion Branch provides engineering expertise in spacecraft propulsion subsystem, design, analysis, fabrication, assembly, integration, test, and launch and post launch operations, including spacecraft propellant loading. The branch provides expertise in fluid systems in support of propulsion subsystem efforts, including test equipment and ground support equipment. It also provides engineering management, procurement technical support, performance evaluation, and anomaly assessment of flight projects for spacecraft propulsion subsystems and expendable launch vehicle propulsion systems. The branch conducts performance evaluation of sub-orbital class launch vehicle propulsion systems and provides chemical analyses and test in support of propulsion related efforts. The branch defines next generation propulsion technology requirements and analyzes, develops, tests, and integrates advanced propulsion system technologies. This involves collaborating with GN&C customers and stakeholders to assure effective interchange of information and coordination of propulsion technology programs.
Contact Code 597 Key Personnel
Guidance, Navigation and Control and Mission Systems Engineering Branch (598)
The Guidance, Navigation and Control and Mission Systems Engineering Branch (Code 598) performs the full range of the MESA Division scope for the Wallops Flight Facility (WFF). This includes GN&C and systems engineering for suborbital programs (aircraft, UAVs, balloons, and sounding rockets) and spacecraft. Branch personnel conduct a wide range of design, analysis, fabrication and field mission support. This support includes launch vehicle design, performance analysis, and dispersion including aerodynamics, flexible body analysis, downwash and reentry heating. Personnel also conducts complete control system design, testing, and implementation for ground, space and balloon-borne applications, along with In-house electrical fabrication of selected prototype and flight components and Full mission support for pointed balloon payloads. Chief Engineer functions for the Range and Mission Management Office and the Sounding Rocket Office.
Contact Code 598 Key Personnel
Mission Systems Engineering Branch (599)
The Mission Systems Engineering Branch provides technical leadership of the flight segment, project or program across the entire life cycle from advanced concepts through implementation. The Branch is responsible for end-to-end mission systems engineering to enable scientific discovery and technology advancement in support of NASA Exploration and Science activities. Code 599 also performs Systems Engineering activities that span the entire life of the mission, including requirements and architecture development, verification and validation of science requirements, trade study and risk mitigation strategies and implementation, new technology infusion planning and execution of science and engineering advancements for our Exploration and Science efforts. The branch provides Space Asset threat summaries and develop protection strategies to ensure our National Assets are secure.
Contact Code 599 Key Personnel